Brexit, hubris and the symbolic language of the universe

iceland fansI’m not usually in the habit of religiously watching football, but last night I found myself glued to the television for the first time in zonks.  First it was Italy versus Spain, and when the players weren’t actually throwing themselves to the ground and writhing around in their usual death-throes, I found it utterly captivating the way that the universe unfolded through each moment of play.  Every movement held infinite potential in the way the ball was passed or not passed, received or intercepted, the way that shots on goal were on target or wide of the mark and, ultimately, ended up either in the net or not.  Perhaps for the first time in my life I understood the thrill of the gambler about to throw the dice, because literally anything can happen.  In the almost infinite number of possible outcomes there lies an almost infinite potential for excitement, as life spontaneously self-creates before you. Continue reading Brexit, hubris and the symbolic language of the universe

How I fell in love with barefoot running

mugshot-nature(small)I can’t claim to be the world’s first barefoot runner.  I’m certainly not the fastest.  I can’t offer you decades of personal insight and experience without shoes.  I’m more like you.  Perhaps the reason you’re here reading this is because something is missing from your life or your running.  For me discovering barefoot running not only solved the staleness in my relationship with running, it reconnected me to a much deeper part of my being Continue reading How I fell in love with barefoot running

Dream running and dreams of clarity

Well, it happened again today – I was stopped by the cops for running barefoot.  The weather gets cold, they see me and think: ‘this guy’s crazy…’  So today, I was just walking the last few metres home, and three of them jumped out of a police van to investigate.  After taking my name and D.O.B., and after ascertaining that I’m only harmlessly eccentric, we had a nice little conversation about the health benefits of barefoot running. Continue reading Dream running and dreams of clarity

All in a name

penLet’s take a look at names and what they mean – and especially how this relates to spirituality, consciousness and being. Everybody has a name, but of course not every name is the same. They sound different. They derive from different cultures: perhaps Latin, Greek or Hebrew. They signify different images or concepts: such as light in the names ‘Lucy’ and ‘Lucian’, or even sloppy/untidy, as in the famous name of ‘Mozart’ (from the German: motzen).

In this article I’d like to focus on the difference between ‘given’ names and ‘spiritual’ names, for these two basic categories reflect on a much deeper level the two basic approaches of spiritual paths. Continue reading All in a name

What is Kriya Yoga?

spiritual_eyeThe Sanskrit word ‘kriya’ means ‘perfected action’ or ‘something done with soul’ and is used to express a variety of meanings in yoga.  Depending on the tradition, it can apply to a single asana (body position) or a strict series of such asanas.  When kundalini energy flows through the body, people also sometimes find themselves spontaneously taking up certain positions, again referred to as kriyas.

As a fixed expression, ‘Kriya Yoga’ has an entirely different meaning. Continue reading What is Kriya Yoga?